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Platform Developer 1 Certification Course (LWC and Aura Component Included)
Introduction to the course
Salesforce Doubt Class Every Sunday at 10 AM CST
Create your Developer Account to practice along with me (3:35)
Navigating Salesforce UI : Learn about Objects and fields
What is Object, Tabs, User and Profiles in Salesforce: Quick overview (19:14)
Standard and Custom Object in Salesforce: How to create a custom object ? (14:19)
How to add fields to the custom object: Adding fields using Object Manager. (11:41)
Schema Builder in Salesforce: How to add fields using Schema Builder? (17:26)
Types of Relationship in Salesforce: Lookup, Master Detail, Many to Many
Relationship fields in Salesforce : Types of relationship in Salesforce (12:47)
Lookup vs Master Detail relationship: Difference between lookup & Master Detail (15:24)
Many to Many relationship in Salesforce: Junction Object in Salesforce (5:10)
Hierarchical Relationship in Salesforce (5:53)
External Object in Salesforce and their associated relationships
Salesforce External Object: External Objects and its relationships (10:35)
External ID in Salesforce
External Ids in Salesforce:Which all field data types can be used as external ID (9:03)
Validation Rules in Salesforce: What are validation rules & why do we need them
Validation Rule in Salesforce: Create your first Validation rule (12:16)
Restrict Data Input by using Validation rules: Validation rules Example 2 (7:17)
Learn about isPickVal() and isBlank() functions: Validation rule example 3 (11:16)
REGEX Validation in Salesforce : Learn Regex In Salesforce with Example (9:14)
Importing and Exporting Data in Salesforce: Data Loader and Data Import Wizard
Importing and exporting data in Salesforce: Data Import Wizard and Data Loader (10:46)
Steps to install Data Loader and Jdk
Import Records using Data Loader: Insert new records using Data loader (8:52)
Update records using Data Loader (10:15)
Upsert and Delete operation Using Data Loader (9:01)
Export Data using Data loader: Difference between Export and Export All (4:06)
Insert records using Data Import Wizard (7:12)
Update and Upsert using Data Import Wizard : Update and Upsert operation (12:30)
Difference between Data loader and Import Wizard (4:57)
Data Export Service in Salesforce: Salesforce Data Export (5:29)
Salesforce Automation Tools : Workflow, Process Builder, Approval Process & Flow
Automate Business processes: What is a workflow in salesforce and how to create? (7:58)
Send Email Alert using workflows (13:46)
Workflow Field update using Workflow (13:12)
Automate Business Processes using Approval Process
What are approval process and how to create an approval process (7:11)
Create an Approval Process using Standard Wizard (22:51)
Automate Business Process using Process Builder
Process builder in Salesforce (6:39)
Automate Business Process using Process Builder Part 1 (13:15)
Automate Business Process using Process Builder Part 2 (15:46)
Flows in Salesforce: What are flows in Salesforce and different types of Flows
Flows in Salesforce: What are flows and different types of flows (16:16)
Record Triggered flow in Salesforce with Example (14:29)
Screen flow in Salesforce with example (17:33)
How to launch a flow from button in Salesforce? (6:29)
How to create a Screen flow in Salesforce? (16:43)
Add Actions to your flow: Add Send email action to your flow (18:22)
Schedule triggered flows in Salesforce: What is Schedule triggered flow ? (11:05)
Platform Event Trigger flow in Salesforce (12:26)
Platform Event Trigger flow: How to create a Platform Event trigger flow? (13:44)
How to test Platform Event Trigger flow in Salesforce? (16:46)
What is Auto launched flow in Salesforce? What is the use of auto launched flow? (5:04)
How to create Auto Launched flow ? (14:14)
Create Auto Launched flow in Salesforce (9:59)
Salesforce auto launched flow with example (12:15)
Invoke flow from Apex (16:22)
Developer Fundamentals: Basics of Apex
What is Apex? When to use Apex? (7:31)
Apex Syntax: Overview of Apex Code (Variables, Expression, SOQL , DML statement) (4:02)
Overview of Developer Console: What Is Developer Console used for? (7:10)
Variable in Apex: What is a variable and why do we need them? (14:11)
Write our first Program in Apex? (10:00)
Apex Data types: What are the different data types available in apex? (6:26)
Date, Time, Datetime Data types in Apex
Date data type in apex: How to declare a date variable in apex? (16:50)
Time Data type in apex: Time Class and its methods (7:55)
Datetime data type and its associated methods (3:55)
Datetime variable explanation with example (15:23)
String Data type
String Data type in apex: Declare a String variable (10:37)
String class and important methods of String class (13:05)
String data type in use (11:54)
Conditional (If-else) statement in Apex and Switch Statement in Apex
If else statement in Apex explained with the help of an example (3:41)
What are conditional statement in apex ? how does if else statement work in apex (7:18)
If Else explained with the help on an example (2:29)
If ElseIf statement in Apex (3:15)
If ElseIf statement in apex explained with the help of an example (10:18)
Switch Statement in Apex (2:10)
How to use switch statement in apex? (3:45)
Switch Statement in Apex with example explained (4:28)
Loops in Apex: For Loop, Nested for loop and While loop
What are the different types of loops in Apex? (7:24)
While loop in Apex with an example (6:48)
For loop in Apex (6:10)
For Loop in Practice: How to write a for loop ? (4:29)
Different types of for loop in apex (11:48)
Break and Continue statement in apex: When to use Break and continue ? (7:33)
Nested for loop in apex: How does nested loop work? (9:56)
Different types of collections in Apex: List, Set and Map in Apex
Different types of Collection in apex (10:28)
Collection in Apex (13:26)
Declare a list variable: Important List methods (10:47)
Incompatible type exception in List (5:26)
Set Collection in apex: Difference between Set and List in apex (5:25)
Classes in Apex
Classes and Objects in Apex (5:41)
Create a new Apex Class (12:28)
Difference between Public and Private Access Modifier in Apex (16:55)
Method Declaration in Apex (11:04)
What is Method Overloading? (18:30)
Constructors in Apex
Constructors in Apex. What are constructors in Apex? (13:34)
Why Instance variables needs to be declared with Private Access modifier? (12:51)
Constructors in Apex with example (13:41)
Static and Non- static Method AND Static and Non Static Variable in Apex
Difference between Static and Non-static Method in Apex (12:03)
Difference between Static and Non static variable in Apex (10:59)
Difference between Static and Non static variable with example (6:59)
Working with sObject: What is sObject?
SObject in salesforce: Declare a List of Sobject in salesforce (6:56)
Salesforce Inspector : powerful extension for Salesforce Developers
Install Salesforce Inspector extension for your browser (10:14)
SOSL and SOQL queries in apex
What is SOSL and SOQL queries in Salesforce? (9:08)
Retrieve records using SOQL (8:34)
Salesforce Object Query Language (9:13)
Group by query salesforce | Count number of records in SOQL query (6:14)
DML statements in Apex: Insert, Update, Upsert, Delete, Undelete statements
DML statements salesforce: What are DML statements in Salesforce? (9:42)
How to write DML statements in Salesforce? Insert and Update DML with Example (18:13)
DML statements in Salesforce : Delete and Undelete DML statement in Salesforce (10:06)
Upsert DML statement with Example (6:49)
DML Operations in Salesforce with Example: Create Account Utility Class (15:00)
Salesforce Apex DML statement with example (8:57)
Database Methods in Apex: Difference between DML statements and Database methods
Difference between DML statement and Database methods (4:38)
Partial Update allowed in database methods (7:07)
Database Save Result[] (3:06)
Database Save Result [] retrieve the success and failure (11:59)
Relationship Queries in Apex
Relationship Queries in Salesforce: What are relationship query in Salesforce? (11:33)
Relationship Query: How do I query a child record from a parent in Salesforce? (4:31)
Relationship Query in Salesforce: Child to Parent relationship Query (3:22)
Relationship Query for Custom Object in Salesforce (8:25)
How do I query a parent to a child custom object in Salesforce? (5:45)
Triggers in Apex
Apex Triggers in salesforce (8:36)
Trigger Context Variables salesforce (6:53)
Create Apex Trigger: Apex trigger in Salesforce with example (12:36)
Apex Trigger Salesforce with Example: Before Delete Apex Trigger (12:26)
Apex Trigger with example: Before Insert Apex Trigger (11:23)
Batch Apex: What is Batch apex and when to use batch apex?
What is batch apex and what are the different methods of batch class? (7:24)
What is a batch Apex? Is batch Apex synchronous or asynchronous? (16:04)
Batch Apex in Salesforce with example (5:30)
Difference between Stateless and Stateful Batch apex (1:49)
Stateless VS Stateful with example (9:43)
Exceptions in Apex: What are exceptions in Apex and how to handle exceptions ?
Exception in apex: What is try catch finally block in apex? (7:28)
How to handle exception in apex using try-catch block? (7:37)
What is ListException in apex and how to handle this exception ? (10:18)
Null Pointer exception in Apex (12:32)
SObject Exception in Salesforce (6:14)
Common Exception methods and their usage (2:17)
DML exception in apex and how to handle them? (6:23)
DML Exception methods (3:43)
Exception methods related to DML exception (10:54)
Try with Multiple Catch block (10:41)
Custom exception in apex: How to create a custom exception in apex? (10:31)
Apex Testing and Debugging
Apex test classes: How to write test classes? (7:51)
Create an Apex class and its test class (11:19)
Code coverage in Apex (11:36)
Code Coverage in Apex (14:23)
Code Coverage needed from one Sandbox to another (1:22)
Governor Limits in Apex
Governor Limits in Apex (9:05)
What happens when governor limit exception is thrown? (6:16)
What are limit apex methods in salesforce? Limit class in apex (12:16)
Salesforce Governor Limits (7:36)
Security Vulnerabilities in Apex and Visualforce
Overview of different vulnerabilities which exist in Salesforce (8:35)
What is SOQL Injection and how can we prevent it? (3:16)
Save Order of Execution in Salesforce
Save order of execution salesforce: Sequence of events after we save the record (7:33)
Relationship between Apex transaction and Save order of Execution (10:27)
Dynamic Apex in Salesforce
Dynamic apex in salesforce: Use of Schema Class in Salesforce (6:47)
How to programmatically access and utilize the object schema? (5:02)
How to get all fields of object in salesforce using Dynamic Apex? (5:36)
Getting ChildRelationships from an object (4:26)
DescribingTabSetResult class: Describing tabs using Schema methods (7:51)
How to fetch Required fields of an object dynamically? (11:33)
Lightning Aura Components
How to setup your custom Domain for salesforce Org?? (5:34)
What is Salesforce Lightning component framework ??? (8:57)
To add Styling to your Lightning Application using external static resource (12:12)
What are Attributes??? (10:31)
What are component Attributes?? (3:52)
Component Composition with example (11:39)
What is Salesforce Expression and aura:if component (6:24)
What are Global value provider? (12:34)
Standard and components (11:25)
Salesforce ui components: Input Text, Output TeXT and button (16:07)
Handling Events Using Client Side Controller (14:52)
Apex Server-Side Controller Overview (17:35)
How to Retrieve records from standard object in Lightning?? (8:50)
Debugging Lightning Components (5:03)
Building our First Lightning App from scratch
Overview of our Lightning App (1:24)
Creating the ContactController Class (10:20)
Creating the Lightning Application (6:43)
Creating the ContactList Component (9:36)
SearchBar component (17:20)
Creating the ContactDetails Component (16:22)
Lightning Web Component
Lightning Web Component Introduction
Overview of Lightning Web Components: Benefits of Lightning Web Components (3:17)
Setting up Development Environment for LWC Component
Setting up Development Environment: Install Salesforce CLI and VIsual Studio (4:49)
Important Message
Setting Up My Domain and Enable Dev Hub in Salesforce (7:06)
Create a Scratch Org (7:37)
Commands commands to use in Visual studio (14:00)
Building Lightning Web Components
Building our First Lightning Web Component (7:01)
Data binding in Lightning Web Component (8:40)
Rendering Components Conditionally in LWC
Render DOM Elements Conditionally using if:true|false directive (5:13)
If:True|False directive in Lightning Web Components (11:42)
Rendering List of Items in Lightning Web Components
How to Render a List of Items in Lightning Web Components? (9:43)
How to Render a List using Iterator directive? (9:19)
Building Applications In Lightning Web Components
Building a Simple Application: Simple Interest Calculator (11:39)
Building a Simple Application with Lightning Web Components: Shape Calculator (16:26)
Types of properties in lwc
What are Public Properties in LWC? (7:35)
Salesforce Update related to LWC
How to pass Data from Parent Component to Child Component in LWC? (10:05)
Lightning Web components Lifecycle Methods
Component Lifecycle Hooks: Lifecycle Hooks in Lightning Web Components (6:47)
Lightning Web Components Communication
How to call child component method from parent? (12:13)
Custom Event Communication from Child to Parent component (5:10)
Communicate with Events: Create and Dispatch of events (11:36)
Communicate with Events: Create and Dispatch of events (3:33)
Overview of Pub Sub Model in Lightning Web Component (6:23)
Learn about Pub Sub model with help of an example (20:11)
Working with Records inside Lightning Web Components
Different ways to access salesforce data in Lightning web components (1:00)
How to create a Record using Lightning Data Service in Lightning web component? (12:54)
View and Create Record using Lightning Data Service (18:09)
Work With Records Using Base Components (2:05)
Work with Records Using Base Components : (6:32)
Display a Record with custom layout using base component (6:21)
How to access Salesforce Data using Base Components: lightning-record-edit-form (10:49)
How to create a new record using lightning-record-edit-form? (5:51)
Create and view the record using lightning-record-edit-form component (12:10)
How to fetch Records Via Apex? (12:49)
How to fetch records Via Apex? (16:03)
Toast Notifications in Lightning Web Components
Using toast notifications in Lightning Web components (8:56)
Navigation Service in Lightning Web Components
Navigation Service in Lightning Web Components (6:50)
Navigating to Object Record Pages (11:58)
Navigating to Account Record Recent List and Related Contact Records (7:34)
Navigating to Web Page (3:17)
Navigating to Home Page and Chatter Page (7:05)
Teach online with
String Data type in apex: Declare a String variable
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