Platform Developer 1 Certification Course (LWC and Aura Component Included)
Pass your Platform Developer 1 Exam in First Attempt | Become a full stack Salesforce Developer
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Are you looking to pass your Platform Developer 1 exam? If yes, this is the course for you.
In order to pass your Platform Developer 1 exam, the knowledge and experience of the Salesforce Platform are not enough. You also need to get to grips with the exam itself. And that's why I have designed this "Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I".
This course covers all the topics related to the study guide of Platform Developer 1 Certification exam. Not only that, after end of every section, I have also included the sample questions similar to the Platform Developer 1 exam.
Exam Topics for the Platform Developer 1 exam :
- Developer Fundamentals 23%
- Process Automation and Logic: Declarative Features 30%
- Process Automation and Logic: Basic Apex
- Process Automation and Logic: Advanced Topics
- User Interface 25%
- Testing, Debugging and Deployment : Testing 22%
- Testing, Debugging and Deployment: Debugging and Deployment
June 2022 Exam Outline Update:
- Salesforce has updated the official exam guide on June 17, 2022. There were small to medium type of updates, the main highlight was decreasing the sections from 5 to 4 and rebalancing the weighted percentages.
- Salesforce Fundamentals and Data Modeling and Management were combined into 1 section which resulted with a lesser number of Objectives. There were a couple of Objectives from Process Automation and Logic and User Interface that were retired.
- There was no new content introduced, most of the changes will involve migrating of content from one section to another. Our team has started analyzing these changes and we will be gradually updating our materials.
What strategy we will follow in order to pass the exam?
The goal is to obtain 90% so you are well above the passing score. We will work on the sections from most-weighted to least-weighted, giving us the most coverage early on in your learning path.
Key Features of this course :
- 29+ hours of video training
- Topics aligned with the official study guide of Platform Developer 1 exam [Course updated Sep 2022]
- Hands on practice on the Salesforce platform
- Real time scenarios and examples covered
- Quizzes after every section of the course
Who this course is for:
- If you want to pass your Platform Developer 1 exam.
- Students who wants to explore the programming side of Salesforce.
- Students who are familiar with out-of-the-box features of Salesforce and want to learn about Salesforce APEX programming.
- Salesforce Adminstrators who wish to transition to Salesforce Development
- Salesforce Developers who want to pass their Platform developer 1 exam.
- Students who are familiar with the basics of Apex programming and want to learn in-depth about Apex, this course is for you.
Your Instructor
I was born and raised in India and I came to United States in December of 2012.
I am currently working with Bank Of America as a Software engineer .
Because of my passion for teaching, I have developed over 10 courses in the field of computer programming. I chose to create this website to empower other folks like me who have ambition and willing to grow their skill-set so they can have a well balanced career life.
Course Curriculum
StartWhat is Object, Tabs, User and Profiles in Salesforce: Quick overview (19:14)
StartStandard and Custom Object in Salesforce: How to create a custom object ? (14:19)
StartHow to add fields to the custom object: Adding fields using Object Manager. (11:41)
StartSchema Builder in Salesforce: How to add fields using Schema Builder? (17:26)
StartRelationship fields in Salesforce : Types of relationship in Salesforce (12:47)
StartLookup vs Master Detail relationship: Difference between lookup & Master Detail (15:24)
StartMany to Many relationship in Salesforce: Junction Object in Salesforce (5:10)
StartHierarchical Relationship in Salesforce (5:53)
StartValidation Rule in Salesforce: Create your first Validation rule (12:16)
StartRestrict Data Input by using Validation rules: Validation rules Example 2 (7:17)
StartLearn about isPickVal() and isBlank() functions: Validation rule example 3 (11:16)
StartREGEX Validation in Salesforce : Learn Regex In Salesforce with Example (9:14)
StartImporting and exporting data in Salesforce: Data Import Wizard and Data Loader (10:46)
StartSteps to install Data Loader and Jdk
StartImport Records using Data Loader: Insert new records using Data loader (8:52)
StartUpdate records using Data Loader (10:15)
StartUpsert and Delete operation Using Data Loader (9:01)
StartExport Data using Data loader: Difference between Export and Export All (4:06)
StartInsert records using Data Import Wizard (7:12)
StartUpdate and Upsert using Data Import Wizard : Update and Upsert operation (12:30)
StartDifference between Data loader and Import Wizard (4:57)
StartData Export Service in Salesforce: Salesforce Data Export (5:29)
StartFlows in Salesforce: What are flows and different types of flows (16:16)
StartRecord Triggered flow in Salesforce with Example (14:29)
StartScreen flow in Salesforce with example (17:33)
StartHow to launch a flow from button in Salesforce? (6:29)
StartHow to create a Screen flow in Salesforce? (16:43)
StartAdd Actions to your flow: Add Send email action to your flow (18:22)
StartSchedule triggered flows in Salesforce: What is Schedule triggered flow ? (11:05)
StartPlatform Event Trigger flow in Salesforce (12:26)
StartPlatform Event Trigger flow: How to create a Platform Event trigger flow? (13:44)
StartHow to test Platform Event Trigger flow in Salesforce? (16:46)
StartWhat is Auto launched flow in Salesforce? What is the use of auto launched flow? (5:04)
StartHow to create Auto Launched flow ? (14:14)
StartCreate Auto Launched flow in Salesforce (9:59)
StartSalesforce auto launched flow with example (12:15)
StartInvoke flow from Apex (16:22)
StartWhat is Apex? When to use Apex? (7:31)
StartApex Syntax: Overview of Apex Code (Variables, Expression, SOQL , DML statement) (4:02)
StartOverview of Developer Console: What Is Developer Console used for? (7:10)
StartVariable in Apex: What is a variable and why do we need them? (14:11)
StartWrite our first Program in Apex? (10:00)
StartApex Data types: What are the different data types available in apex? (6:26)
StartIf else statement in Apex explained with the help of an example (3:41)
StartWhat are conditional statement in apex ? how does if else statement work in apex (7:18)
StartIf Else explained with the help on an example (2:29)
StartIf ElseIf statement in Apex (3:15)
StartIf ElseIf statement in apex explained with the help of an example (10:18)
StartSwitch Statement in Apex (2:10)
StartHow to use switch statement in apex? (3:45)
StartSwitch Statement in Apex with example explained (4:28)
StartWhat are the different types of loops in Apex? (7:24)
StartWhile loop in Apex with an example (6:48)
StartFor loop in Apex (6:10)
StartFor Loop in Practice: How to write a for loop ? (4:29)
StartDifferent types of for loop in apex (11:48)
StartBreak and Continue statement in apex: When to use Break and continue ? (7:33)
StartNested for loop in apex: How does nested loop work? (9:56)
StartDML statements salesforce: What are DML statements in Salesforce? (9:42)
StartHow to write DML statements in Salesforce? Insert and Update DML with Example (18:13)
StartDML statements in Salesforce : Delete and Undelete DML statement in Salesforce (10:06)
StartUpsert DML statement with Example (6:49)
StartDML Operations in Salesforce with Example: Create Account Utility Class (15:00)
StartSalesforce Apex DML statement with example (8:57)
StartRelationship Queries in Salesforce: What are relationship query in Salesforce? (11:33)
StartRelationship Query: How do I query a child record from a parent in Salesforce? (4:31)
StartRelationship Query in Salesforce: Child to Parent relationship Query (3:22)
StartRelationship Query for Custom Object in Salesforce (8:25)
StartHow do I query a parent to a child custom object in Salesforce? (5:45)
StartApex Triggers in salesforce (8:36)
StartTrigger Context Variables salesforce (6:53)
StartCreate Apex Trigger: Apex trigger in Salesforce with example (12:36)
StartApex Trigger Salesforce with Example: Before Delete Apex Trigger (12:26)
StartApex Trigger with example: Before Insert Apex Trigger (11:23)
StartWhat is batch apex and what are the different methods of batch class? (7:24)
StartWhat is a batch Apex? Is batch Apex synchronous or asynchronous? (16:04)
StartBatch Apex in Salesforce with example (5:30)
StartDifference between Stateless and Stateful Batch apex (1:49)
StartStateless VS Stateful with example (9:43)
StartException in apex: What is try catch finally block in apex? (7:28)
StartHow to handle exception in apex using try-catch block? (7:37)
StartWhat is ListException in apex and how to handle this exception ? (10:18)
StartNull Pointer exception in Apex (12:32)
StartSObject Exception in Salesforce (6:14)
StartCommon Exception methods and their usage (2:17)
StartDML exception in apex and how to handle them? (6:23)
StartDML Exception methods (3:43)
StartException methods related to DML exception (10:54)
StartTry with Multiple Catch block (10:41)
StartCustom exception in apex: How to create a custom exception in apex? (10:31)
StartDynamic apex in salesforce: Use of Schema Class in Salesforce (6:47)
StartHow to programmatically access and utilize the object schema? (5:02)
StartHow to get all fields of object in salesforce using Dynamic Apex? (5:36)
StartGetting ChildRelationships from an object (4:26)
StartDescribingTabSetResult class: Describing tabs using Schema methods (7:51)
StartHow to fetch Required fields of an object dynamically? (11:33)
StartHow to setup your custom Domain for salesforce Org?? (5:34)
StartWhat is Salesforce Lightning component framework ??? (8:57)
StartTo add Styling to your Lightning Application using external static resource (12:12)
StartWhat are Attributes??? (10:31)
StartWhat are component Attributes?? (3:52)
StartComponent Composition with example (11:39)
StartWhat is Salesforce Expression and aura:if component (6:24)
StartWhat are Global value provider? (12:34)
StartStandard and components (11:25)
StartSalesforce ui components: Input Text, Output TeXT and button (16:07)
StartHandling Events Using Client Side Controller (14:52)
StartApex Server-Side Controller Overview (17:35)
StartHow to Retrieve records from standard object in Lightning?? (8:50)
StartDebugging Lightning Components (5:03)
StartHow to call child component method from parent? (12:13)
StartCustom Event Communication from Child to Parent component (5:10)
StartCommunicate with Events: Create and Dispatch of events (11:36)
StartCommunicate with Events: Create and Dispatch of events (3:33)
StartOverview of Pub Sub Model in Lightning Web Component (6:23)
StartLearn about Pub Sub model with help of an example (20:11)
StartDifferent ways to access salesforce data in Lightning web components (1:00)
StartHow to create a Record using Lightning Data Service in Lightning web component? (12:54)
StartView and Create Record using Lightning Data Service (18:09)
StartWork With Records Using Base Components (2:05)
StartWork with Records Using Base Components : (6:32)
StartDisplay a Record with custom layout using base component (6:21)
StartHow to access Salesforce Data using Base Components: lightning-record-edit-form (10:49)
StartHow to create a new record using lightning-record-edit-form? (5:51)
StartCreate and view the record using lightning-record-edit-form component (12:10)
StartHow to fetch Records Via Apex? (12:49)
StartHow to fetch records Via Apex? (16:03)